A place to share struggles and triumphs, a place to bless and serve - but never a place to murmur or complain. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

You, who they call Lord

You, who I can feel deep inside my soul.
You, who has created this world.
When I look into the microcosmos, in the macrocosmos, everywhere I find you.
I sense your greatness.
You, who they call Lord,
who they call Father,
who they call Allah,
who they call Jahwe,
You, who is there.
Who is with us. Who walks with us.
The older I become, the more I can call you friend.
You are the friend of my life, who loves me and who called me to carry your message to the people.
Thank you.
I want to ask for everyone who is here today, to feel some of God’s Greatness and His love, who wants us, who loves us.
Jesus Christ showed us a way which we can walk together.
In spite of everything and everyone, we can find ways together,
seek and find ways which will gift us with a better and more beautiful life.
Paulo has written that he is searching for the sense in his life.
And while searching he went across new paths, wrong tracks and detours, like the all of us.
Let’s keep on looking for you in the humans beings that are present in our path.


rachel neil said...

/Did you come up with that prayer yourself? I'ts very nice, If you don't mind I'll use it.

Abby said...

No, Rachel. This is by Abbot Burkhard. I have posted a link at the top to the blog where I found it. Paulo Coelho is a well known author, who I follow. He wrote the Alchemist, among other things, and often has amazing things to share.

Talk To Me said...

Abby, I was strengthened by reading the prayer by Paulo Coelho. Thanks for sharing it. I just started a blog , that will allow people to get things off their chest. I will see where the Lord will take me from there. My blog address is http://iamlistening2011.blogspot.com/

Maddy said...

This is such wonderful blog! So very inspirational. Thank you for sharing all of these
God Bless,
Maddy :)

Abby said...

You are welcome, Maddy! If you would like to contribute something, let me know!