A place to share struggles and triumphs, a place to bless and serve - but never a place to murmur or complain. 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Faith not Fear

Isaiah 7:4 Take heed and be quiet; fear not neither be fainthearted.

So essentially: listen and have faith.

So simple and straightforward, yet so applicable to life right now. Fear seems to be the motivator behind much control issues and self-esteem issues. Satan plays on those fears and they are perpetuated inside of us by untrue thoughts that we don't recognize as untrue and keep thinking. I think that guilt, depression, discouragement and much more negative things come from fear and from these untrue thoughts. When I read this from Isaiah, it just connected all those dots for me and I realized that our Heavenly Father doesn't use fear as a motivator. He doesn't use guilt, discouragement. These are Satan's tools. Heavenly Father uses faith and love. If we stop for a minute.....stop fearing.... and just listen with faith then the truth can come to us through the Holy Ghost and our thoughts can be true and our feelings can be based on those true thoughts and we can grow in faith and obedience.......and not fear. We can truly go forward in faith.
I am thankful for the scriptures that teach so much, for our wise Heavenly Father who teaches line, upon line and for the Spirit who brings truth to our attention in so many different ways.


Abby said...

Right on Aimee! It is so true! This is just the lesson I'm trying to teach my son right now. I am going to have him read this with me today.

The Yelifari Safari said...

Thank you Amiee for your wonderful way of putting things and for the inspiring and uplifting thoughts you always give to all of us. Miss you. Love ya.


Anna R said...


Just wanted to let you know how much I love your post...I read it last week when I found the site.
(I was so excited to find you again since we've lost your contact info)

Anyways, I kind of needed a "pick me up" message today...since our cars were broken into last night.
I felt such PEACE as I read your message again. We are so blessed even when trials come our way.

I even had to chuckle with the police officer when he said he was picturing the thiefs listening to the hymns while doing drugs...and he was hoping the messages would sink in. (That's all they got from MY car...along with my 72-hr car kit)

:) Thanks for being such a positive, uplifting person and friend.